
Unlocking Generosity Across Borders: TGE Embraces Philea’s Manifesto

A Collaborative Journey Toward a Unified Philanthropic Landscape

Publication date: 30 Nov 2023

In an era marked by instability, conflicts, and environmental crises, fostering European generosity and philanthropic efforts for the greater good becomes increasingly imperative. The value of philanthropy has garnered unprecedented recognition in recent years. However, in the face of contemporary challenges, borders should not be barriers hindering donors from supporting their chosen charities and causes.

It is in alignment with this ethos that Transnational Giving Europe wholeheartedly supports the new and updated Philea Manifesto, officially launched on November 29th during the 2023 Europhilantopics event in Brussels, with the attendance of over 100 policymakers and delegates from the philanthropy, broader civil society, and social economy sectors. The manifesto was eloquently presented by our Belgian TGE representative, Ludwig Forrest:

In these extraordinary times, philanthropy has demonstrated more than ever these last years its complementary, agile and innovative role for our society, in addition to actions by government, associations and the private sector. The 2024 European Philanthropy Manifesto proposes clear and concrete ways forward that should be implemented to allow philanthropy to fully play its role to tackle increasing and complexifying societal issues all over Europe.”

At the heart of the Philea Manifesto are four key pillars passionately advocated by experts gathered from across Europe, which serve as the main recommendations to establish a Single Market for Philanthropy:

Empower Philanthropy: by creating enabling frameworks in line with the fundamental rights of the freedom of association and movement of capital

Facilitate Cross-border Philanthropy: by removing barriers that cost the sector €100 million annually and prevent work on pressing societal challenges that do not stop at borders

Engage with Philanthropy: by better implementing Article 11 of the Treaty on European Union to create an open, transparent and regular dialogue with civil society including philanthropy as well as creating other strategic engagement opportunities with the philanthropy sector 

Partner with Philanthropy for Public Good: by creating more opportunities in strategic programme design, co-granting and in creating incentives for co-investing from endowments – mobilising the untapped potential of billions of euros

TGE is dedicated to contributing its part to realize the vision of a Single Market for Philanthropy. Our commitment to removing obstacles and enhancing the cross-border philanthropic landscape aligns seamlessly with the goals outlined in the Manifesto.

In Europe, institutional philanthropy comprises over 186,000 foundations, collectively allocating nearly €64 billion in annual expenditures. Beyond financial contributions and investments, these organizations possess extensive expertise, knowledge, and well-established stakeholder networks within their respective domains. These assets can be effectively harnessed with the right framework conditions.

Check out this insightful opinion article by Isabel Peñalosa, Director of Asociación Española de Fundaciones and Co-Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee at Philea. She provides valuable insights into the recently updated manifesto.

For those eager to delve into the comprehensive Philea Manifesto, the full document is accessible here.

Join TGE on this transformative journey, as together, we strive for a more connected, empowered, and impactful philanthropic ecosystem across Europe.