The European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP) is an association founded in January 2008 by collaborating philanthropy researchers in Europe, in order to advance, coordinate and promote excellence in philanthropic research in Europe.
The main aim of the ERNOP Science and Society Seminars is to start building a bridge between the production and the usage of academic knowledge. As a research community, ERNOP observes that only limited output makes it to the board rooms, decision tables and policies of philanthropic organizations.
The ERNOP Science and Society Seminars are a monthly series of online seminars in which researchers from ERNOP philanthropy research centres and academic chairs present their state of the art work through online presentations. A broad range of topics will be covered. These are the dates and subjects of the 2021 webinars:
March 23 – Sustaining voluntary energy
April 20 – Engaging with family business
May 25 – Taxation, philanthropy and implications for practice
June 22 – Indicators of stress and risk of financial vulnerability among voluntary organisations
September 21– Strategic giving revisited for France and Europe
October 12 – Impact investing: Moral option or obligation?
November 23 – How to engage in impact investing?
December 14 – Media perceptions of philanthropy
More information about the series on the ERNOP website: