Last Monday, the TGE team was among the participants of the online event “Philanthropy, non- and not-for-profit organisations in Europe – how to unleash the potential of public good”, hosted by Ilhan Kyuchyuk and Nicola Beer, Renew Europe MEPs.
The panelists made a strong case to boost European philanthropy, bringing forward the current problems of the sector and leads for possible solutions. An important impulse from the EU policy makers was felt during this webinar, this is good news for cross-border philanthropy.
The TGE coordinator, Ludwig Forrest, intervened in the second panel. He exposed his views on the still existing barriers in the philanthropic sector. However, the issue was very well understood, according to him, throughout the presentations, and this is already a significant element to start with. It is also important for the people working in the sector to be recognized for their work, and this delightedly starts to be the case now. Finally, Mr. Forrest invited the audience to take action to facilitate philanthropy in Europe and be an example of active citizenship that others can follow today and in the future.
Watch the video recording of the event here: